DigitArt: guidelines and tools to develop youth's digital and creative skills

20 October 2022
All the results of the DigitArt Project
DigitArt is a Strategic Partnership for Creativity, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and implemented by Lascò in partnership with Contextos (Portugal) and Fronteiras (Spain). During 10 months, from March 2021 to October 2022, we worked together with our partners to equip youth workers with new resources and tools to support the participation of young people through methodological guidelines and digital tools to encourage youth's creative expression.

Keywords: Creativity | Creative Learning | Youth Work | Digital skills | Participation | 


Main activities

Social Mapping

In 2021, the consortium mapped the cultural-touristic resources and activities in Caserta (IT), Faro (PT) and Ayamonte (SP). Particularly, we mapped:

  • education and training opportunities for youth (courses, seminars, workshops),
  • initiatives for the enhancement of the local artistic, cultural and creative system,
  • festivals and events,
  • spaces or centres for artistic and cultural production.
Social Mapping Caserta Learn more
Social Mapping Faro Learn more
Social Mapping Huelva Learn more


Learning Lab (Faro)

From 24 to 29 November 2021, we hosted an international Learning Lab for youth workers in Faro. Seventeen young participants from Portugal, Italy and Spain explored creativity and creative learning, responding to the different challenges that were presented to them through storytelling, social media, citizen journalism and participatory video.

More information here (external link to Contextos' website).

Creative Youth Bootcamp (Huelva)

From 17 to 24 April 2022, the consortium held a 'Creative Youth' Bootcamp in Huelva. The event involved 19 young people, aged 18 to 25, from Portugal, Spain and Italy, in theoretical sessions and practical activities on the topics of digital storytelling and participatory video.

The participants worked in international groups with the help of three expert trainers to deepen tools and techniques for video making and editing, photography and photo-editing, social media, podcasts and digital storytelling. Objective: to empower them to be active agents in social, cultural, political and economic transformation processes through the development of digital and communication skills.


  • IO1 State of the Art - Creativity and creative learning environments. Available in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian.
  • IO2 Participatory Video - Methodological Guide for the Implementation of Innovative Strategies that Promote the Participation of Youth. Available in English here.
  • IO3 Training Itinerary to Improve ICT competences. Available in English here.
  • IO4 Methodological Guide for the Development of Collaborative Projects for Youth. Available in English here.
  • IO5 Collaborative Documentary. Available in English here.




DigitArt is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ National Agency Juventude em Ação, under the Key Action 2 - Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices  - Partnership for Creativity, Grant Agreement no. 2020-1-PT02 -KA227-YOU-007642.

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