inAiR: Lascò and UniWarsaw present the project to representatives of the European Commission and key EU-level social partners in the retail sector

03 July 2024

Last Monday, together with our partners from the Digital Economy Lab at the University of Warsaw, we had the honour of presenting the preliminary results of inAiR, the project coordinated by Lascò and funded by the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, to representatives of the Directorate-General for Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) of the European Commission, UNI Europa and EuroCommerce (coordinators of the Large-Scale Skills Partnership for the Retail Ecosystem under the EC's 'Pact for Skills') and JA Europe (yesterday representing the European Skills4Retail consortium).

inAiR aims at bridging the AI skills gap among european micro, small and medium-sized retailers, supporting them in developing the skills needed to adopt new technologies in the retail sector.

Companies now increasingly need to grow digitally, to gain an advantage over competitors and improve in terms of sustainability, in line with the European Digital Decade’s target of having over 75% of European companies adopt AI technologies by 2030.

During the presentation meeting, experts from the Digital Economy Lab of the University of Warsaw shared key insights from their comprehensive "Analysis of AI Skills Needs and Gaps in the Retail", an extensive research work conducted by DELab in the European inAiR consortium countries: Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Poland and Romania.

An in-depth analysis that makes us even more proud of the progress of the project and confident for the future of digitalisation in European retail.

In addition to Lascò, among the partners of the inAiR project: TEAM4Excellence, University of Warsaw, University of Cyprus, ITKAM, BSD.

More information on the official website of the project:


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