Mentor 2.0: Press Release

03 July 2023

MENTOR 2.0 Project

Cooperation partnership in School Education

co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU

Project no. 2021-2-PL01-KA220-SCH-000049306




03 July 2023

In today's rapidly changing world, where technological innovations and transformations in the world of work are reshaping our lives, the role of schools in nurturing the well-being of both students and teachers has become increasingly crucial. Traditional models of education and training, while facing substantial obstacles and major challenges, must now adapt to meet the demands of this evolving landscape. The integration of artificial intelligence and human capabilities, coupled with the growing demand for new skills, highlights the pressing need for innovative, learner-centred approaches to education and training. 

These and other topics were examined and discussed in depth during the New Education Forum Caserta, Multiplier Event of the Mentor 2.0 project, hosted by Lascò in Caserta, Italy, on 10 May 2023. 

The first panel, moderated by Joanna Bochniarz (CIE) and featuring the contributions of Tomasz Kbylanski (Expert from the Department of Education of the City of Krakow), Armida Filippelli (Councillor for Vocational Training of the Campania Region), and Claudio Masotti (Vice-President of the European Parents' Association), delved into the topic of educators' comprehensive approach to the learning process and its potential to equip young individuals with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of the contemporary world. The research findings presented in this report, as well as the discussions held at the New Education Forum in Caserta, indicate a shared perspective among these experts and participants. Namely, they contend that today's educational institutions fail to adequately motivate young individuals and impart the knowledge needed for a successful and confident transition into the labour market.  

The second panel, moderated by Maria del Carmen Lopez Cruz (Director of the European Funds Department of Grupo Femxa) and featuring the contributions of Cecile Le Clerq (Schools and Multilingualism of DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission), Lucia Michela Daniele (Professor at the 'Luigi Vanvitelli' University of Campania), and Andreas Riepl (Director of the Federal eEducation Centre of the Austrian Ministry of Education), focused on the profound impact of digital technologies on our lifestyles, work patterns, and learning approaches. The current generation of students is growing up in a world where technology is omnipresent, fostering their accustomedness to swift and effortless information retrieval. As a result, educational institutions face an imperative to incorporate technology into their instructional methodologies and offer students training in digital literacy to meet this demand.  

The third panel, moderated by Miriam Lanzetta (PMP, Head of European Projects and EduTech) and featuring the contributions of Loukas Zahilas (Head of the Department for Vocational Education and Training and Qualifications of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Cedefop), Tommaso De Simone (President of the Caserta Chamber of Commerce), Enrico Viceconte (Associate of the National Research Council - Institute for Mediterranean Studies), and Sergio Cotecchia (Research Lab Manager di Protom SPA), addressed two key aspects. Firstly, it examined how the emergence of the gig economy has generated a requirement for entrepreneurial skills, emphasising the need for individuals to possess the ability to navigate and thrive in this dynamic landscape. Secondly, it explored the escalating utilisation of data in decision-making processes, which has led to an increased demand for data analytics skills. Furthermore, the panel underscored the necessity for individuals to adapt to the evolving nature of work, highlighting the importance of cultivating soft skills such as adaptability, critical thinking, effective communication, and problem-solving abilities.  

Updates on the project's development, its results and activities, will be available on the official website  

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